Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sightseeing Day in Barbados

And then there is Julie and her 21 year-old daughter, Natasha. Julie offered to take some of us on a sightseeing tour around the island today. Ralph and I were the only ones available to take her up on her generous offer. What a great time we had!! This lady is one of the most hospitable people I have ever met....and her daughter was a complete joy to hang out with. She is incredibly creative with a camera in her I asked her to be my "official photographer" for the day. I'll have to post a picture or two once I get them from her. All the way from the The Parish of Christ Church (which is where our house is located) on to The Parishes of St. George, St. Michael, Thomas, James, Peter, Andrew, Joseph and John....(did we see St. Lucy too?? I can't remember) dropping back down into the middle of the city, skipping St. Philip, back to where we started. Wow! What an adventure! At one point we saw the rocky mountains of Barbados literally contrasted right across the bumpy road to the gorgeous, turquoise ocean. I've never seen anything like it. We passed Chattal houses one right after another, Rum houses, churches of various denominations as well as black-bellied sheep grazing for their lunch. We stopped off at a privately owned beach house to "freshen up" and enjoyed the beautiful view of a private beach on the other side of a white picket fence. The varieties of sights were overwhelming to my senses. It was a great day of getting to know two of the people who make this their home.That is the thing that is standing out to me: relationships happening. We came here for one main reason; to enter into relationship with these beautiful people and allow God to show us where He is at work. Believe me when I tell you, He is alive and well....and pursues all of us regardless of race, background, denomination or job title. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28) The unity and freedom and FUN that we have in Christ transcends all denomination lines, all racial lines and miles of distance. Is this an incredible family to be a part of or what??

Friday, February 27, 2009

Letter to a friend

Just remember that no matter who knows whatever they know about you: You are 100% loved and accepted by the One who matters at all. You are His workmanship, created for His purpose and no one else's. Everything you and I have ever done, are doing and will ever do that is against the holy will of God has already been nailed to the cross. His forgiveness is as far as the east is from the west....removed....never to be brought up again!!!! We are dead to sin and alive to God!! How amazing....the roar of the ocean's waves are coming in one right after the other right now as I sit on this balcony overlooking the Caribbean....and I realize that is how vast and immeasureable God's love and delight over me is. I cannot measure it....I cannot comprehend it....I cannot explain it or communicate it well enough for anyone to capture the reality of it....but it is true nonetheless. I pray for that truth to sink down deep into your spirit tonight more so than ever before.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Behind the Ocean Scene

While the island and ocean here in Barbados is magnificent…what is really amazing to me is the community I have seen among these people I have met. In true community, real connection happens. There is something that is the common denominator that is known among the community; sometimes spoken and sometimes it doesn’t even need to be spoken. It is felt and experienced. A miracle happens when that same common denominator exists within me and I fly thousands of miles across the ocean and join in with this other community finding that we are one in thought, belief and conviction. Maybe it shouldn’t be so unbelievable. Why am I so surprised? God is the Creator and the Sustainer of all things. He has sent His Son, Jesus to rescue us all from the bondage and principles of this present world. That means you and me who live in North and South Carolina as well as His people on a small island called Barbados. This rescue is such a beautiful miracle of grace and all who participate in it are children of a new family – the family of Christ. We are related….we have One major thing in common and from that centre we connect….we have community.

So, wouldn’t it make sense to continue to build that community? Build it first by hearing one another, getting to know one another. We all desire to be known and to know others. It takes honesty, the willingness to become vulnerable with one another and a trust that is ultimately in God. Then as we listen, both to the family members around us and to the voice of the Holy Spirit within, we share with one another. There is little need for us to try to “fix one another”, rather to share truth that penetrates the deepest part of our soul. As I sat with a group of singles last night and heard their stories and struggles, I heard the Spirit inside me say, “Remind them of their adoption.” I could hear as I listened that their focus had shifted from their identity in Jesus to their present circumstances, each one different from the other. I gently reminded them that Jesus has told us we have been chosen and adopted. We are no longer slaves, but sons…and if sons, heirs. (Gal. 4:7)
I knew this was something that would penetrate their soul, because we all need reminding of the truth of the gospel – the truth of who we really are in spite of our individual circumstances and struggles. We all go quickly back to relating to God and within ourselves and others from a slave-like mentality, instead of that as an adopted son. Jesus has promised He would never leave us as orphans. I choose in the midst of community in that moment to receive the truth again and believe it. One of the ladies, Wendy, left saying she had a new perspective to take with her on a business trip the next day. Wow!

Community….connecting on a level that is much deeper than anything superficial….and real freedom and renewed hope happens. That is happening as I enter into life here in Barbados with people that I have never met before. So, with the magnificent shades of blue in the ocean as the backdrop, the real miracle happening before my eyes is something I cannot capture in a snapshot. So, I wanted to tell you about it so that you could know beyond the surface of the gorgeous picture what is really going on.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm hoping tonight that my Dad will overcome the temptation to give into his fears. He struggles to understand the plight of his recent undiagnosed sickness. I feel for him. And yet, I don't like to see him depressed and withdrawing from activity. We want to be well and to still have control of our days as we once did. (Or thought we did. Control is such an illusion.) But as I look around me and see others suffering, I wonder if maybe a new perspective wouldn't help Dad. How does one accept what has come their way when they are powerless to change it? How do you rise above despair and depression? For me, turning in reliant trust in a sovereign God who allows suffering, is my only hope. This is not a safe world and sometimes God Himself is not safe - in that, He allows things into my life that don't "feel" safe. But He is always good. He always has my best interest in mind and is always watching over me. I have not gone unnoticed by the Omniscient God of the universe. He sees me. He sees my pain and that of my Dad's...and He cares. Will I trust Him? And if not, what is keeping me from trusting Him? Is my trust in myself a wise alternative?

Is the distant country necessary?

I was thinking about how we have such a tendency to try to stop people we love from going down a road that we can see is much like the one the younger prodigal took to the distant country. I mean, I know it is human nature to do that...and we care and don't want to see our loved one fall flat on their face against the pavement, so to speak. But isn't the trip to the city almost necessary for some in order for them to "come to their senses"? So my thought is this: Doesn't even the Father Himself grant the son's wishes knowing in His sovereignty that the son won't come to his senses any other way?? Somehow this gives me hope...hope that I can't mess it up so bad that the Father's extravagant love won't reach me. I'm not meaning to suggest that our flagrant travels are no big deal to God. I believe our "wanderings" hurt His heart....but I also believe that until I see to what level I am prone to wander, His redemption won't mean as much. This compels me to pray for His mercy and His protection over me and my loved ones. Father, don't give me what I want unless you know that it will bring me closer to Your heart...and please watch over us, guarding our hearts from wandering far from You. Thank you for running after me, for running to me and for your kiss of acceptance. May that compel me to stay close to home. (See Luke 15 from The Holy Bible)